
How’s Your Labor Day Party Doing?
How’s Your Labor Day Party Doing?
How’s Your Labor Day Party Doing?
Does your party have a drunk lady standing on her roof, banging a beer can on her head, slipping on a skateboard while being flipped off by a 5 year old child standing near a burning field of grass next to a care free pig?
Know When to Say... What?!?!
Know When to Say... What?!?!
Know When to Say... What?!?!
I don't know what is more amazing about this video (captured by a convenience store security camera back in 2009) but it's either a.) the fact this completely wasted dude even made it to the store or b.) that it's 10 o'clock in the morning!
Couple That Didn’t Notice Armed Robbery Remind Me of Why I Moved to Yakima [VIDEO]
Couple That Didn’t Notice Armed Robbery Remind Me of Why I Moved to Yakima [VIDEO]
Couple That Didn’t Notice Armed Robbery Remind Me of Why I Moved to Yakima [VIDEO]
There are a ton of people in Billings, Mont., who are awesome. I know, because I used to live there. Some of my favorite bikers are from Billings and my best friends live there as well. But there is that element in Billings that makes me glad I do not live there anymore -- the drugs, the gambling and occasionally, the armed robberies.
Where's the party?
Where's the party?
Where's the party?
Spring break is here. It's the season of Easter, planting flowers and just having a good old time. I work every single day and when you are a parent it is 24/7.  You don't stop. Being a parent is a job in itself. So, if you are in collage, for crying out loud, take a spring break.
Just checking
Just checking
Just checking
I am a firm believer that you should not drink and drive. If you drink a lot and you drive, you should get busted. You could kill someone or die yourself. Police randomly put up checkpoints around our area so they can catch drunken drivers.

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