
Hilarious Craigslist Ad Has Bassist Looking for Gigs With Unusual Stipulations
Hilarious Craigslist Ad Has Bassist Looking for Gigs With Unusual Stipulations
Hilarious Craigslist Ad Has Bassist Looking for Gigs With Unusual Stipulations
Many people use Criagslist as a way to look for work and musicians are no different. Naturally, they don't want to play for charity work, they need money to pay for bills so this guy put an ad on Craigslist saying he was available for hired help. The only problem with this ad is there are so many red flags, he's almost unhireable.
Yakima Man Fired For Stopping Shoplifter and Possibly Saving Lives – Is It Fair?
Yakima Man Fired For Stopping Shoplifter and Possibly Saving Lives – Is It Fair?
Yakima Man Fired For Stopping Shoplifter and Possibly Saving Lives – Is It Fair?
Long story short, I know someone (a friend of a friend of a friend) who was recently fired from his job at a local area store because he caught a shoplifter off the store premises. Since it happened off of the store's property, he was fired, even though he may have saved many from harm from the shoplifter who was carrying a knife. Is it fair?
13 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job
13 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job
13 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job
The job market might not be so stellar but that doesn’t mean you have to stay with a company that stifles your creativity, demeans you for their profit or makes you spend long hours away from your loved ones. But enough about every job that ever existed.
911 Dispatcher Falls Asleep and Snores During Emergency Call
911 Dispatcher Falls Asleep and Snores During Emergency Call
911 Dispatcher Falls Asleep and Snores During Emergency Call
In an incident that’s sure to rattle your faith in emergency services, a 911 dispatcher in Maryland nodded off and started snoring after taking a panicked call from a woman whose husband had stopped breathing. Yeesh. Not a great time to fall asleep on the job, guy.
Minimum Wage Wasn’t Always $9 – Riggs’ Other Jobs
Minimum Wage Wasn’t Always $9 – Riggs’ Other Jobs
Minimum Wage Wasn’t Always $9 – Riggs’ Other Jobs
I just found out that Washington state has the highest paid minimum wage in the United States. $9.04 an hour. Over nine bucks an hour! Not that I'm that old, but in my day, my first minimum wage job paid four bucks an hour. Basically, what I'm saying is if you're working a minimum wage job and complain about how much you're paid, shut it! It did get me thinking about my previous minimum wage jobs.
5 Jobs in Yakima That Have Awesome Perks
5 Jobs in Yakima That Have Awesome Perks
5 Jobs in Yakima That Have Awesome Perks
I love working in radio. I've got to meet celebrities, I've shook hands with all of my favorite bands, I get hooked up with concert tickets. Working in radio certainly has its perks as does many other jobs. When I worked at (the now closed) Video Update on 24th and Nob Hill I got all the free movie and video game rentals I wanted. When I w...
Bizarre Craigslist Ad Looking For Lucid Sleep Partner
Bizarre Craigslist Ad Looking For Lucid Sleep Partner
Bizarre Craigslist Ad Looking For Lucid Sleep Partner
Who hear has heard of a 'Dream Stenographer'? Well I know I didn't before today. I was looking for something that you guys would think was funny and would get a laugh out of. well boy, did I find something ha ha. Some guy from Seattle is using Craigslist to find a dream stenographer/lucid dreaming partner. Lucid dreaming is like dreaming will all of your senses, it can be some pretty strange stuff
10 Clues You’re About to Be Fired
10 Clues You’re About to Be Fired
10 Clues You’re About to Be Fired
Times are tough and big business types are looking for excuses to reduce their workforce to preserve their ridiculous salaries, unnecessary bonuses and pure ivory staplers that only work with staples made of gold. If you fit one of the following signs, it might be time to get your resume in order and feather dust your neglected LinkedIn page.

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