You served our country now let us serve you, here are three places in the Yakima Valley offering free meals, on top of discounts and other special offers from other places around the Yakima Valley.
Looking to get rid of that Un-eaten Halloween candy? There's a place in Yakima that will take it for you and donate it to troops overseas to give them a piece of home.
True Believers know aliens are among us or are they? Washington State is the largest in the nation and even the world for UFO sightings, does this mean aliens are among us or something else? Seeing is believing so here are Four cities where you can spot a UFO in Washington!
You are invited to a special service session at the American Legion Post 8 located at 1101 Craig Ave. in Ellensburg on Feb. 6 and American Legion Post 36 located at 1120 N 34th Ave. in Yakima on Feb. 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
he attack killed 24-hundred people and wounded another 12-hundred, while destroying eight of the battleships and a bunch of the cruisers in the pacific fleet.