I told you about my experience getting the 'Rona Vaccine back on January 19th. If you missed that tale, you can read all about it here, as well as the "Next Day" follow up on the side effects that I suffered here. To sum it up, shot went well, and my side effects were mild. Pretty bad migraine that lasted over 24 hours, and my arm was a little sore. No limit on movement, but where I got the shot, was sore to the touch. The soreness around the shot location wasn't all that unexpected due how I reacted to previous shots / vaccines. Fast forward almost two weeks later, and I'm now concerned.

Over this past weekend (12 days since the first shot), I noticed that my shoulder felt hot and itched a tiny bit. I noticed my shoulder where I got the shot was red, inflamed, and still a little sore to the touch. I was just shocked how hot the area was. My wife even commented how it kind of looked like ringworm (mainly just because the redness was in a circular pattern around the injection site). Plus, I still have the bump! (The picture really doesn't do it justice).


I wasn't too concerned, but many in my family were, so I went to the google! Joking... I don't want to die because when you web m.d. 99% chance your symptoms will lead to death. I asked my best friend, who is a pharmacist at the same place where I got the shot. He assured me that this is a side effect, and it's been popping up on people often. In other words, I'm not special. Some friend he is!

To update you on my brother & wife, who both also received the same version of the vaccine, they have had no continued side effects like me. When I go in for my next shot of the Moderna vaccine, I'll let you know. An additional sidenote on the superpowers front, I've recently gained the ability to annoy my wife by not deciding what's for dinner. This superpower will be used for evil.

For more info on WHERE and WHEN you can get your vaccine (if that is your choice) check out Yakima Health District website.

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