Biggest Fears in Yakima?
We all have fears. Fear of change. Fear of public speaking. Fear of the unknown. More recently there has been a fear of getting a certain disease.
My fears? I hate bugs. I loathe scorpions. This may be hard to believe, but I have a fear and anxiety when in social gatherings. I know - I am weird. We all have them in some fashion.
Our Greatest Fears Nationwide In Order Are…
Fear of heights
Fear of bugs, snakes or spiders
Fear of closed spaces
Fear of flying
Fear of the dark
So what do fears look like for Yakima? I have a list. It’s not scientific, but I assume it’s somewhat accurate. Hehe, assume…
See if this list is makes sense. Or doesn’t.
Biggest Yakima Fears
Beer runs out
Cheese Zombies are revealed to be actually be “Crack” Bread
All Coffee houses are now Kale Houses
You have kids, and you lose your WIFI
Bale Breaker moves to Idaho
That 'Yakima -The Palm Springs Of Washington" sign falls down
Getting Majors and Minors Confused
Jay Inslee
That spinning basketball guy will lose his balance and fall into traffic on Nob Hill
A wind gust will blow away your 5 year old
A ban on sprinklers (cause, Yakimans looooooove to sprinkle)
All Dairy Queens close – forever
Fry Sauce will be mandated to be called “Thousand Island Sauce”
Our Hops Fields are turned into Brussel Sprout Fields
That Gap in Union Gap
Masks will never go away
Zero bars on your device
…and finally, Yakima’s greatest fear?
(KIT’s) Dave Ettl Forgets His Pants – again.
All My Best In Conquering Your Fears,
The JimShow
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