You'd think with the government wanting us to avoid each other, allowing some to go into the woods & lakes to social distance wouldn't be a big deal, but the big G thinks it is.With the Governor Inslee's stay at home order, many places have flat out closed & shut down, including Washington state parks, camping, hunting & fishing. If you're one of the many who think this part is the government going to far, you can sign a petition started by Martin Jones to Washington Department Fish Wildlife as well as to the Governor.

The petition is to Re-Open fishing for Washington State Anglers. It states: we as citizen's have been told by our Governor and other agency dignitary's of Washington State, it is OK to get out and Hike, Jog, Walk, ride a bicycle, and get out and be with nature during this outbreak, so why is it any different for Washington State Anglers not to be able and get out and go fishing, Enough is Enough, it is time for you to stand up against this closure. We can make a difference but you have to participate and organize get the word out, talk to you neighbor's, explain the importance of how one gets out with nature and the true therapy that one receives being out in nature and fishing, please sign now and let Washington State Governor, Jay Inslee and the Washington Department Fish Wildlife to re-open are fishing in our state immediately. 

As of this posting, the petition is at 19,046 signatures with a goal of 25,000. Right now the stay at home order is in effect until May 4th.


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