Hot Cocoa With Lucky Charms Has Come To Yakima
Let me first start off by saying, this is in NO WAY a paid advertisement for this brand of hot chocolate, or any hot chocolate or marshmallows for that matter. I must also say that this is in NO WAY a paid advertisement AGAINST this brand of hot chocolate or any hot chocolatey drink (or marshmallows that may or may not float in it). I was just walking through the grocery store, and a friendly Irish logo caught my eye and I was intrigued. So with my wife’s blessing, bought it with my own (her) money, and my friends and I gave it a try.
Qualifications for being a Hot Chocolate Taste Tester
My qualifications to judge this hot chocolatey drink is simple, I'm a fat guy, and I enjoy all sorts and forms of chocolate. I have the clothes sizes to prove that. When it comes to name brands of hot chocolate, I really don’t know if I have a favorite. I usually get them at different coffee stands, and I am partial to the “Peppermint” versions of hot chocolate. But man, I love marshmallows, and I love Lucky Charms, so this seems like slam dunk for sure.

The Results of My Taste Test of Swiss Miss Lucky Charms Hot Chocolate
It tastes like regular hot chocolate. It's good. Nothing special, although I’m sure the little ones who will be enjoying it, will love the colors and shapes of the marshmallows. Speaking of which, the marshmallows never look as great as they do on the box, I understand that and realize that that’s for advertising. But what I am curious about is, what color will my hot chocolate take. Anyone who has eaten a bowl of Lucky Charms should know, that by the end of it, you’re milk is a shade of blue. I’m a little scared about what the mug of lucky goodness will look like when they all melt.
The marshmallows actually held their shape for a quite a while. It wasn’t until I stirred it that they started to dissolve. Luckily, it darkened the color a little bit, but nothing weird or gross looking came from it. Check out the pictures below, and after those, read the other opinions.
Swiss Miss Lucky Charms Hot Chocolate with More Stirring!
A 2nd Opinion Taste Test of Swiss Miss Lucky Charms Hot Chocolate
I enlisted my Reesha on the Radio for my 2nd opinion. A great friend and the one who seemed the most excited to try it. Her qualifications for being a taste tester? She has fine taste and a child, so she’s no stranger to hot chocolate or breakfast cereal. Here is what she had to say:
“Thank you, it’s very tasty!" (walking away, under her breath), “I wish I had something to spike it with.”
A 3rd Opinion Taste Test of Swiss Miss Lucky Charms Hot Chocolate
For a third opinion, I turned to my friend and co-worker Ryder. He has the same qualifications as me (a bigger belt size and love of all things chocolate). He dug it.
“It’s magically confusing… and delicious!”
Swiss Miss Lucky Charms Hot Chocolate Final Thoughts!
There you have it, The Swiss Miss Lucky Charms Hot chocolate, it’s good. Younger drinkers will probably enjoy it more because of the shapes and colors, but I’m young at heart too, so cheers! Next time, we'll try it with some peppermint schnapps! If you're a nutrition fact junkie, here you go.

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