Porn Star Sponsors Soccer Team Because Sex and Sports Are One
Wonder if this team will be playing with blue balls.
German soccer team SV Oberwürzbach has struck a deal for a new sponsor, but this one is a far cry from the beer, car or soda companies you may expect to hook up with a team: it's a porn star, reports Sports Illustrated:
This season, the club has the words 'Lena Nitro' across the chest of its jerseys, with LenaNitro.xxx below in smaller print. As you may have guessed from the domain name, Lena Nitro is a German adult film star. The titles of some of her movies were translated by Google as Driving Visions, Maid Sweat and Violently Crashed!”
A team official said he came up with the idea, along with a player and a coach, because "we wanted to make something crazy." Mission accomplished.
Amazingly, this isn't the first marriage between porn and soccer. Over the summer, porn site RedTube sponsored the amateur team Washington Square FC. We're guessing the oversized jerseys were XXX-tra large.
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