Timmy’s Wacky Comic Finds! (Part 3)
It's been just about a month since I brought you Part 2 of my "Wacky Comic Finds" series. My apologies. Life has been busy, between Comic Crawls, and Fighting a 4-Year-Old over M&M's, my life has been pretty busy! But I've finally able to bring you, the long awaited, part 3 of my trashy treasures!
To recap how all of this came about, back in mid May, I wrote a story about how Comics have hurt my wallet, but it also had some great benefits (at least for me). Well in my collecting, my friend gave me what's called "a long box" full of comics. It is exactly what it sounds like, it's a long cardboard box full of comics! In my Timmy's Wacky Comic Finds (Part 1) & (Part 2), I highlighted some of the weird floppies that I now own. Here we go with Part 3... it might get weirder!

Mutants Vs. Ultras: First Encounters:
This 1995 comic crossover saw the Mutants from Marvel taking on the Heroes from Malibu comics. It's even weirder to know that Marvel eventually bought Malibu comics, mainly for it's paper resources! I guess the X-Men won!
Daring Escapes #1:
Published by Image Comics in 1998, this limited series explores an alternate dimension where magician Houdini is a super hero?
Stargate #1:
Movie tie-ins with comics are nothing new. It is interesting to see which publisher is able to pick up which licenses. Stargate signed on with Entity Comics back in 1996 for several limited runs based on the Stargate IP.
Lady Arcane #1:
If you think Scarlett Witch from Marvel or Zatanna from DC are hot stuff, check this out! From the publisher Hero Graphics, comes Lady Arcane and her adventures in FULL COLOR! Quite the price tag on this book, especially for 1992.
Icicle #1:
Not to be confused with a villain by the same name in DC Comics, this icy hero burst on the scene in "Full Color Adventures" back in 1992 published by Hero Graphics! If you liked Lady Arcane, well she pop's up in this book as well & if you think this is weird, you can drop $5 on ebay and take a look at Eraserhead!
Batman Dark Detective #1:
Not too rare of a comic, but I've seen more artwork of this cover than the actual comic. One of those special "Iconic Covers" especially for being released in 2005.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for me to bring you part 4, as I'm nearing the end of the Long Box! Good news is, i might be throwing on some of the "extra" issues on the Wheel of Goodness! You never know who might want a copy of Mr. T & The T-Force!
If vintage comics ain't your thing then check out these 10 classic board games that will take you way back
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