Open Letter To Yakima Coffee Stands: Why No Boba Tea?
So, my wife was commenting loudly (a much politer way of saying griping) how she almost tripped when she went to get her drink. I asked why she just didn’t go through the drive-thru. She looked at me like I was the dumbest person ever. “Because they didn’t have my drink” was her answer. Well, there are plenty of great drive-thru coffee stands, and we frequent a lot of them. So, being someone who really doesn’t drink coffee, I was confused and asked, “All of them?”
Once again, me being a dumb person, didn't know that the specialty drink,a Boba Tea, is not served at any drive through coffee stand (at least to the best of my wife’s knowledge). I could ask, why she wouldn’t just get another drink, but I’ve been happily married for 10 years, so I know to avoid that type of question, in order to stay happily married for 11 years.
Now you might think that this is a “First World Problem”, but we’re in the 1st world, so yeah, let’s discuss this problem! Why are Boba Teas not served at more drive-thru coffee stands? Is making that drink super complicated? I’ve seen stands sell soup. That’s liquid with stuff floating in it. Heck, I’ve even heard of a place selling Protein water (water with a chunk of meat floating in it). So is it really that much different? Why can’t more places make a milk type drink with chewy tapioca balls or other round things floating in it?
I can see why the bigger chains might not want to hop on the Boba Train, but we have plenty of smaller stands that are awesome that could. Not to mention, that I’d love to give my money to them, so that I wouldn’t have to hear about my wife almost breaking her neck walking to get her Boba… I mean, to make her happy.

What are your thoughts? Do you even drink Boba Teas? Should more drive-thru coffee stands sell them? Do some already do, and my wife just doesn't know? Tap the App and let us know!
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