5 Yakima Spots That Would Be Great For A Strip Club
A little while ago, I wrote an article about a structure that is being built in Union Gap. I asked the audience what should go in that spot. I received a lot of great guesses, but one listener caught my attention. Sandra Cowdrick posted with the topic of including a strip club, “This town doesn’t have hardly anything fun.” In defense of a strip club, Marissa Vick also chimed in, stating, "it’s a great idea. Lots of single moms in the valley trying to make ends meet and think of the revenue it would bring in…”. So, of course, this got me thinking.
Where would we build a strip club, gentleman’s bar, adult entertainment venue, etc.? Besides creating a brand new location, which might be ideal, we have a few spots in Yakima that are empty (or have been). Why not repurpose those buildings? So here’s my list.
5 Locations In Yakima That Would Be Spectacular For A Strip Club
5: El Porton on 2512 Main St.
It sucks that that place burned down. That was (as well as the other location) one of my favorite restaurants in town. So, I’m not sure what they plan to do with the building, but it’s a great location. Plus, with the roof gone, you might as well make it taller and put some extra high poles in there for swinging. You think that place got “hot” once…
4: The Old Country Buffett on 2513 Main St.
Yes, the first two locations are technically in Union Gap, but let's face it, that is great location. Now word on the street is that a Chuck E. Cheese will be coming to that building where Old Country Buffett was once at. So it may be too late to snag that spot, but, like I mentioned, there are many great locations in that area. If that deal falls through, we could open a strip club there and give it a name like “Luck E Please”. That sounds like a strip club name, and we just have to make sure it’s not going to be run by a giant rat.
3: Sonic Drive-In on 1327 S 1st St.
Now, I’m not sure if they will open back up anytime soon. Heck, they might already have. Last I checked, it was still closed. That location is fantastic. Not to mention that that place, the way the building is designed, already has poles everywhere. Now you might be thinking, “a Drive Thru Strip Club? That’ll never work.” Well, it did and helped save a small business in Oregon during the pandemic. Click here to read about that entrepreneur.
2: West Side Fitness in The Orchards at 420 S 72nd Ave.
From one business that featured people getting sweaty to another business that features people getting sweaty. Great location, plus it’s next to all the different restaurants. Think of the business they could cross-promote!
1: The Old Regional Hospital on 11th Ave.
Not to make light on the fact that we lost the hospital and many lost their jobs. It was and still is a horrible loss. The building is still standing, and we might as well use it for something. Why not a strip club? Can you imagine the notoriety we’d get for having a club that size? Not to mention the number of VIP sweets & private rooms we’d have available.
If you have an idea for a great strip club location, Tap the App and drop us a message letting us know your thoughts.

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