"The hill outside Selah is on fire... again."

That seems to be the collective feelings on the fire burning just outside of Selah, Washington, dubbed the "Rest Haven Rd Fire."

Not much is known about the fire as of the time of this writing, but it was reported just after 11 am on Friday, June 7th, 2024.

"There is an active fire in the area of Rest haven road. Fire units are on the scene, with more units being requested." - Katlyn C: WATCH DUTY APP

When people first started noticing the fire, pictures and posts started popping up on the Facebook group WTF Yakima.

hill on fire, inner picture of a fire fighter

Some thought it was a controlled burning, where as others disagreed.

If more units are being requested, as per radio scans, it is not a controlled fire (at least not anymore).

map of Selah and Yakima Washington with a fire icon.
Watch Duty App

Luis Estrada posted drone footage of the fire to WTF Yakima. View that footage here.

fire fighter

It was just 8 days ago when fire crews battled a 200 acre fire on Marsh Rd which caused thousands of residents to lose power, affecting television and radio stations for a better part of the evening last Thursday (May 30th).

16 Items That Should Be in Your Car in Case of a Road Emergency

Let's face it, road conditions and weather can cause some serious roadside issues and if you're unprepared, you could be left stranded, cold, hungry, and without help. Here are 15 items that should be in your vehicle in the event you're facing an emergency.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller

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