WTF: Why You Shouldn’t Steal A Firetruck!
My wife has gotten me started watching a FOX TV show called 9-1-1: Lone Star. I'm not sure why it appeals to me, but I will admit, that Rob Lowe is my spirit animal (I don't know what that means, but man if I could hand pick a celebrity to be related to me, I'd love for Mr Lowe to be my uncle). I bring all of this up because the last episode I watched, a firetruck was stolen. Now it was stolen with good reason, to go behind the fire lines to rescue Rob Lowe's character Owen Strand... and like I said, if Rob Lowe was a family member, I'd steal a fire truck to save him too! Now, there were no repercussions to their actions... at least not that we saw. It could have happened between episodes, but it probably wouldn't be that entertaining. But just because it wasn't on TV, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen in real life! Just ask Cory M. Fisher!
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